Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Help the World

I was just reading an article about Mother Teresa on Wikipedia. She left her family at the age of 18 (she never saw them again), and embarked on a journey to help the poor and unwanted people in the world. We seriously need more people like Mother Teresa in the world now more than ever.
Current events, such as the genocide in Darfur and general discomforts of people in the world really disturb me. All the people in the world are human beings just like us, and no matter what, we have to help them some way or another. Looking at infants and young children suffering without food or water for days, or watching poor people who cannot afford medical aid being refused treatment really angers me.
To help these people, the following actions can be taken:

1. When you buy canned food, buy a few extra (they usually only cost a dollar each) and save them. Send them to your local humanitarian aid organization to be sent into unfortunate countries.
2. Buy items made by people from other countries, such as those made by people in Africa living without food or water. True, the items are very expensive, but they are hand made and crafted out of love. Also, you can help this person at least eat and feed the family.
3. Be conscious of the world. Do you really need that new Benz, or those $200 jeans? Make wise choices and don't spend money unnecessarily. Those jeans only fit you for a certain time period. The joy that comes from helping a young child receive an education is priceless.
4. Every Halloween, kids get so much candy that usually ends up in the trash. Instead, keep some for yourself, and send the rest over to a local organization that sends candies and toys to kids around the world.
5. Don't throw away those toys and old sheets that your child used to have when he/she was little. If you think the items are in good condition, donate them. You can make another child happy for the first time.

Just doing these things (you probably already know them) will do a lot to help our neighbors and friends across the world. Not everyone can be like Mother Teresa, but we can at least try.